{{children}}', // This is the html for the revoke button. This only shows up after the user has selected their level of consent // It can be enabled of disabled using the `revokable` option revokeBtn: '
Cookie Policy
', // define types of 'compliance' here. '{{value}}' strings in here are linked to `elements` compliance: { 'info': '
', 'opt-in': '
', 'opt-out': '
', }, // select your type of popup here type: 'info', // refers to `compliance` (in other words, the buttons that are displayed) // define layout layouts here layouts: { // the 'block' layout tend to be for square floating popups 'basic': '{{messagelink}}{{compliance}}', 'basic-close': '{{messagelink}}{{compliance}}{{close}}', 'basic-header': '{{header}}{{message}}{{link}}{{compliance}}', // add a custom layout here, then add some new css with the class '.cc-layout-my-cool-layout' //'my-cool-layout': '
{{close}}', }, // default layout (see above) layout: 'basic', // this refers to the popup windows position. we currently support: // - banner positions: top, bottom // - floating positions: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right // // adds a class `cc-floating` or `cc-banner` which helps when styling position: 'bottom', // default position is 'bottom' // Available styles // -block (default, no extra classes) // -edgeless // -classic // use your own style name and use `.cc-theme-STYLENAME` class in CSS to edit . // Note: style "wire" is used for the configurator, but has no CSS styles of its own, only palette is used. theme: 'block', // The popup is `fixed` by default, but if you want it to be static (inline with the page content), set this to false // Note: by default, we animate the height of the popup from 0 to full size static: false, // if you want custom colours, pass them in here. this object should look like this. // ideally, any custom colours/themes should be created in a separate style sheet, as this is more efficient. // { // popup: {background: '#000000', text: '#fff', link: '#fff'}, // button: {background: 'transparent', border: '#f8e71c', text: '#f8e71c'}, // highlight: {background: '#f8e71c', border: '#f8e71c', text: '#000000'}, // } // `highlight` is optional and extends `button`. if it exists, it will apply to the first button // only background needs to be defined for every element. if not set, other colors can be calculated from it palette: null, // Some countries REQUIRE that a user can change their mind. You can configure this yourself. // Most of the time this should be false, but the `cookieconsent.law` can change this to `true` if it detects that it should revokable: false, // if true, the revokable button will tranlate in and out animateRevokable: true, // used to disable link on existing layouts // replaces element messagelink with message and removes content of link showLink: true, // set value as scroll range to enable dismissOnScroll: false, // set value as time in milliseconds to autodismiss after set time dismissOnTimeout: false, // The application automatically decideds whether the popup should open. // Set this to false to prevent this from happening and to allow you to control the behaviour yourself autoOpen: true, // By default the created HTML is automatically appended to the container (which defaults to ). You can prevent this behaviour // by setting this to false, but if you do, you must attach the `element` yourself, which is a public property of the popup instance: // // var instance = cookieconsent.factory(options); // document.body.appendChild(instance.element); // autoAttach: true, // simple whitelist/blacklist for pages. specify page by: // - using a string : '/index.html' (matches '/index.html' exactly) OR // - using RegExp : /\/page_[\d]+\.html/ (matched '/page_1.html' and '/page_2.html' etc) whitelistPage: [], blacklistPage: [], // If this is defined, then it is used as the inner html instead of layout. This allows for ultimate customisation. // Be sure to use the classes `cc-btn` and `cc-allow`, `cc-deny` or `cc-dismiss`. They enable the app to register click // handlers. You can use other pre-existing classes too. See `src/styles` folder. overrideHTML: null, }; function CookiePopup() { this.initialise.apply(this, arguments); } CookiePopup.prototype.initialise = function(options) { if (this.options) { this.destroy(); // already rendered } // set options back to default options util.deepExtend(this.options = {}, defaultOptions); // merge in user options if (util.isPlainObject(options)) { util.deepExtend(this.options, options); } // returns true if `onComplete` was called if (checkCallbackHooks.call(this)) { // user has already answered this.options.enabled = false; } // apply blacklist / whitelist if (arrayContainsMatches(this.options.blacklistPage, location.pathname)) { this.options.enabled = false; } if (arrayContainsMatches(this.options.whitelistPage, location.pathname)) { this.options.enabled = true; } // the full markup either contains the wrapper or it does not (for multiple instances) var cookiePopup = this.options.window .replace('{{classes}}', getPopupClasses.call(this).join(' ')) .replace('{{children}}', getPopupInnerMarkup.call(this)); // if user passes html, use it instead var customHTML = this.options.overrideHTML; if (typeof customHTML == 'string' && customHTML.length) { cookiePopup = customHTML; } // if static, we need to grow the element from 0 height so it doesn't jump the page // content. we wrap an element around it which will mask the hidden content if (this.options.static) { // `grower` is a wrapper div with a hidden overflow whose height is animated var wrapper = appendMarkup.call(this, '
' + cookiePopup + '
'); wrapper.style.display = ''; // set it to visible (because appendMarkup hides it) this.element = wrapper.firstChild; // get the `element` reference from the wrapper this.element.style.display = 'none'; util.addClass(this.element, 'cc-invisible'); } else { this.element = appendMarkup.call(this, cookiePopup); } applyAutoDismiss.call(this); applyRevokeButton.call(this); if (this.options.autoOpen) { this.autoOpen(); } }; CookiePopup.prototype.destroy = function() { if (this.onButtonClick && this.element) { this.element.removeEventListener('click', this.onButtonClick); this.onButtonClick = null; } if (this.dismissTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.dismissTimeout); this.dismissTimeout = null; } if (this.onWindowScroll) { window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onWindowScroll); this.onWindowScroll = null; } if (this.onMouseMove) { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); this.onMouseMove = null; } if (this.element && this.element.parentNode) { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); } this.element = null; if (this.revokeBtn && this.revokeBtn.parentNode) { this.revokeBtn.parentNode.removeChild(this.revokeBtn); } this.revokeBtn = null; removeCustomStyle(this.options.palette); this.options = null; }; CookiePopup.prototype.open = function(callback) { if (!this.element) return; if (!this.isOpen()) { if (cc.hasTransition) { this.fadeIn(); } else { this.element.style.display = ''; } if (this.options.revokable) { this.toggleRevokeButton(); } this.options.onPopupOpen.call(this); } return this; }; CookiePopup.prototype.close = function(showRevoke) { if (!this.element) return; if (this.isOpen()) { if (cc.hasTransition) { this.fadeOut(); } else { this.element.style.display = 'none'; } if (showRevoke && this.options.revokable) { this.toggleRevokeButton(true); } this.options.onPopupClose.call(this); } return this; }; CookiePopup.prototype.fadeIn = function() { var el = this.element; if (!cc.hasTransition || !el) return; // This should always be called AFTER fadeOut (which is governed by the 'transitionend' event). // 'transitionend' isn't all that reliable, so, if we try and fadeIn before 'transitionend' has // has a chance to run, then we run it ourselves if (this.afterTransition) { afterFadeOut.call(this, el) } if (util.hasClass(el, 'cc-invisible')) { el.style.display = ''; if (this.options.static) { var height = this.element.clientHeight; this.element.parentNode.style.maxHeight = height + 'px'; } var fadeInTimeout = 20; // (ms) DO NOT MAKE THIS VALUE SMALLER. See below // Although most browsers can handle values less than 20ms, it should remain above this value. // This is because we are waiting for a "browser redraw" before we remove the 'cc-invisible' class. // If the class is remvoed before a redraw could happen, then the fadeIn effect WILL NOT work, and // the popup will appear from nothing. Therefore we MUST allow enough time for the browser to do // its thing. The actually difference between using 0 and 20 in a set timeout is neglegible anyway this.openingTimeout = setTimeout(afterFadeIn.bind(this, el), fadeInTimeout); } }; CookiePopup.prototype.fadeOut = function() { var el = this.element; if (!cc.hasTransition || !el) return; if (this.openingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.openingTimeout); afterFadeIn.bind(this, el); } if (!util.hasClass(el, 'cc-invisible')) { if (this.options.static) { this.element.parentNode.style.maxHeight = ''; } this.afterTransition = afterFadeOut.bind(this, el); el.addEventListener(cc.transitionEnd, this.afterTransition); util.addClass(el, 'cc-invisible'); } }; CookiePopup.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.element && this.element.style.display == '' && (cc.hasTransition ? !util.hasClass(this.element, 'cc-invisible') : true); }; CookiePopup.prototype.toggleRevokeButton = function(show) { if (this.revokeBtn) this.revokeBtn.style.display = show ? '' : 'none'; }; CookiePopup.prototype.revokeChoice = function(preventOpen) { this.options.enabled = true; this.clearStatus(); this.options.onRevokeChoice.call(this); if (!preventOpen) { this.autoOpen(); } }; // returns true if the cookie has a valid value CookiePopup.prototype.hasAnswered = function(options) { return Object.keys(cc.status).indexOf(this.getStatus()) >= 0; }; // returns true if the cookie indicates that consent has been given CookiePopup.prototype.hasConsented = function(options) { var val = this.getStatus(); return val == cc.status.allow || val == cc.status.dismiss; }; // opens the popup if no answer has been given CookiePopup.prototype.autoOpen = function(options) { !this.hasAnswered() && this.options.enabled && this.open(); }; CookiePopup.prototype.setStatus = function(status) { var c = this.options.cookie; var value = util.getCookie(c.name); var chosenBefore = Object.keys(cc.status).indexOf(value) >= 0; // if `status` is valid if (Object.keys(cc.status).indexOf(status) >= 0) { util.setCookie(c.name, status, c.expiryDays, c.domain, c.path); this.options.onStatusChange.call(this, status, chosenBefore); } else { this.clearStatus(); } }; CookiePopup.prototype.getStatus = function() { return util.getCookie(this.options.cookie.name); }; CookiePopup.prototype.clearStatus = function() { var c = this.options.cookie; util.setCookie(c.name, '', -1, c.domain, c.path); }; // This needs to be called after 'fadeIn'. This is the code that actually causes the fadeIn to work // There is a good reason why it's called in a timeout. Read 'fadeIn'; function afterFadeIn(el) { this.openingTimeout = null; util.removeClass(el, 'cc-invisible'); } // This is called on 'transitionend' (only on the transition of the fadeOut). That's because after we've faded out, we need to // set the display to 'none' (so there aren't annoying invisible popups all over the page). If for whenever reason this function // is not called (lack of support), the open/close mechanism will still work. function afterFadeOut(el) { el.style.display = 'none'; // after close and before open, the display should be none el.removeEventListener(cc.transitionEnd, this.afterTransition); this.afterTransition = null; } // this function calls the `onComplete` hook and returns true (if needed) and returns false otherwise function checkCallbackHooks() { var complete = this.options.onInitialise.bind(this); if (!window.navigator.cookieEnabled) { complete(cc.status.deny); return true; } if (window.CookiesOK || window.navigator.CookiesOK) { complete(cc.status.allow); return true; } var allowed = Object.keys(cc.status); var answer = this.getStatus(); var match = allowed.indexOf(answer) >= 0; if (match) { complete(answer); } return match; } function getPositionClasses() { var positions = this.options.position.split('-'); // top, bottom, left, right var classes = []; // top, left, right, bottom positions.forEach(function(cur) { classes.push('cc-' + cur); }); return classes; } function getPopupClasses() { var opts = this.options; var positionStyle = (opts.position == 'top' || opts.position == 'bottom') ? 'banner' : 'floating'; if (util.isMobile()) { positionStyle = 'floating'; } var classes = [ 'cc-' + positionStyle, // floating or banner 'cc-type-' + opts.type, // add the compliance type 'cc-theme-' + opts.theme, // add the theme ]; if (opts.static) { classes.push('cc-static'); } classes.push.apply(classes, getPositionClasses.call(this)); // we only add extra styles if `palette` has been set to a valid value var didAttach = attachCustomPalette.call(this, this.options.palette); // if we override the palette, add the class that enables this if (this.customStyleSelector) { classes.push(this.customStyleSelector); } return classes; } function getPopupInnerMarkup() { var interpolated = {}; var opts = this.options; // removes link if showLink is false if (!opts.showLink) { opts.elements.link = ''; opts.elements.messagelink = opts.elements.message; } Object.keys(opts.elements).forEach(function(prop) { interpolated[prop] = util.interpolateString(opts.elements[prop], function(name) { var str = opts.content[name]; return (name && typeof str == 'string' && str.length) ? str : ''; }) }); // checks if the type is valid and defaults to info if it's not var complianceType = opts.compliance[opts.type]; if (!complianceType) { complianceType = opts.compliance.info; } // build the compliance types from the already interpolated `elements` interpolated.compliance = util.interpolateString(complianceType, function(name) { return interpolated[name]; }); // checks if the layout is valid and defaults to basic if it's not var layout = opts.layouts[opts.layout]; if (!layout) { layout = opts.layouts.basic; } return util.interpolateString(layout, function(match) { return interpolated[match]; }); } function appendMarkup(markup) { var opts = this.options; var div = document.createElement('div'); var cont = (opts.container && opts.container.nodeType === 1) ? opts.container : document.body; div.innerHTML = markup; var el = div.children[0]; el.style.display = 'none'; if (util.hasClass(el, 'cc-window') && cc.hasTransition) { util.addClass(el, 'cc-invisible'); } // save ref to the function handle so we can unbind it later this.onButtonClick = handleButtonClick.bind(this); el.addEventListener('click', this.onButtonClick); if (opts.autoAttach) { if (!cont.firstChild) { cont.appendChild(el); } else { cont.insertBefore(el, cont.firstChild) } } return el; } function handleButtonClick(event) { var targ = event.target; if (util.hasClass(targ, 'cc-btn')) { var matches = targ.className.match(new RegExp("\\bcc-(" + __allowedStatuses.join('|') + ")\\b")); var match = (matches && matches[1]) || false; if (match) { this.setStatus(match); this.close(true); } } if (util.hasClass(targ, 'cc-close')) { this.setStatus(cc.status.dismiss); this.close(true); } if (util.hasClass(targ, 'cc-revoke')) { this.revokeChoice(); } } // I might change this function to use inline styles. I originally chose a stylesheet because I could select many elements with a // single rule (something that happened a lot), the apps has changed slightly now though, so inline styles might be more applicable. function attachCustomPalette(palette) { var hash = util.hash(JSON.stringify(palette)); var selector = 'cc-color-override-' + hash; var isValid = util.isPlainObject(palette); this.customStyleSelector = isValid ? selector : null; if (isValid) { addCustomStyle(hash, palette, '.' + selector); } return isValid; } function addCustomStyle(hash, palette, prefix) { // only add this if a style like it doesn't exist if (cc.customStyles[hash]) { // custom style already exists, so increment the reference count ++cc.customStyles[hash].references; return; } var colorStyles = {}; var popup = palette.popup; var button = palette.button; var highlight = palette.highlight; // needs background colour, text and link will be set to black/white if not specified if (popup) { // assumes popup.background is set popup.text = popup.text ? popup.text : util.getContrast(popup.background); popup.link = popup.link ? popup.link : popup.text; colorStyles[prefix + '.cc-window'] = [ 'color: ' + popup.text, 'background-color: ' + popup.background ]; colorStyles[prefix + '.cc-revoke'] = [ 'color: ' + popup.text, 'background-color: ' + popup.background ]; colorStyles[prefix + ' .cc-link,' + prefix + ' .cc-link:active,' + prefix + ' .cc-link:visited'] = [ 'color: ' + popup.link ]; if (button) { // assumes button.background is set button.text = button.text ? button.text : util.getContrast(button.background); button.border = button.border ? button.border : 'transparent'; colorStyles[prefix + ' .cc-btn'] = [ 'color: ' + button.text, 'border-color: ' + button.border, 'background-color: ' + button.background ]; if(button.background != 'transparent') colorStyles[prefix + ' .cc-btn:hover, ' + prefix + ' .cc-btn:focus'] = [ 'background-color: ' + getHoverColour(button.background) ]; if (highlight) { //assumes highlight.background is set highlight.text = highlight.text ? highlight.text : util.getContrast(highlight.background); highlight.border = highlight.border ? highlight.border : 'transparent'; colorStyles[prefix + ' .cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child'] = [ 'color: ' + highlight.text, 'border-color: ' + highlight.border, 'background-color: ' + highlight.background ]; } else { // sets highlight text color to popup text. background and border are transparent by default. colorStyles[prefix + ' .cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child'] = [ 'color: ' + popup.text ]; } } } // this will be interpretted as CSS. the key is the selector, and each array element is a rule var style = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(style); // custom style doesn't exist, so we create it cc.customStyles[hash] = { references: 1, element: style.sheet }; var ruleIndex = -1; for (var prop in colorStyles) { if (colorStyles.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { style.sheet.insertRule(prop + '{' + colorStyles[prop].join(';') + '}', ++ruleIndex); } } } function getHoverColour(hex) { hex = util.normaliseHex(hex); // for black buttons if (hex == '000000') { return '#222'; } return util.getLuminance(hex); } function removeCustomStyle(palette) { if (util.isPlainObject(palette)) { var hash = util.hash(JSON.stringify(palette)); var customStyle = cc.customStyles[hash]; if (customStyle && !--customStyle.references) { var styleNode = customStyle.element.ownerNode; if (styleNode && styleNode.parentNode) { styleNode.parentNode.removeChild(styleNode); } cc.customStyles[hash] = null; } } } function arrayContainsMatches(array, search) { for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; ++i) { var str = array[i]; // if regex matches or string is equal, return true if ((str instanceof RegExp && str.test(search)) || (typeof str == 'string' && str.length && str === search)) { return true; } } return false; } function applyAutoDismiss() { var setStatus = this.setStatus.bind(this); var delay = this.options.dismissOnTimeout; if (typeof delay == 'number' && delay >= 0) { this.dismissTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { setStatus(cc.status.dismiss); }, Math.floor(delay)); } var scrollRange = this.options.dismissOnScroll; if (typeof scrollRange == 'number' && scrollRange >= 0) { var onWindowScroll = function(evt) { if (window.pageYOffset > Math.floor(scrollRange)) { setStatus(cc.status.dismiss); window.removeEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll); this.onWindowScroll = null; } }; this.onWindowScroll = onWindowScroll; window.addEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll); } } function applyRevokeButton() { // revokable is true if advanced compliance is selected if (this.options.type != 'info') this.options.revokable = true; // animateRevokable false for mobile devices if (util.isMobile()) this.options.animateRevokable = false; if (this.options.revokable) { var classes = getPositionClasses.call(this); if (this.options.animateRevokable) { classes.push('cc-animate'); } if (this.customStyleSelector) { classes.push(this.customStyleSelector) } var revokeBtn = this.options.revokeBtn.replace('{{classes}}', classes.join(' ')); this.revokeBtn = appendMarkup.call(this, revokeBtn); var btn = this.revokeBtn; if (this.options.animateRevokable) { var wait = false; var onMouseMove = util.throttle(function(evt) { var active = false; var minY = 20; var maxY = (window.innerHeight - 20); if (util.hasClass(btn, 'cc-top') && evt.clientY < minY) active = true; if (util.hasClass(btn, 'cc-bottom') && evt.clientY > maxY) active = true; if (active) { if (!util.hasClass(btn, 'cc-active')) { util.addClass(btn, 'cc-active'); } } else { if (util.hasClass(btn, 'cc-active')) { util.removeClass(btn, 'cc-active'); } } }, 200); this.onMouseMove = onMouseMove; window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); } } } return CookiePopup }()); cc.Location = (function() { // An object containing all the location services we have already set up. // When using a service, it could either return a data structure in plain text (like a JSON object) or an executable script // When the response needs to be executed by the browser, then `isScript` must be set to true, otherwise it won't work. // When the service uses a script, the chances are that you'll have to use the script to make additional requests. In these // cases, the services `callback` property is called with a `done` function. When performing async operations, this must be called // with the data (or Error), and `cookieconsent.locate` will take care of the rest var defaultOptions = { // The default timeout is 5 seconds. This is mainly needed to catch JSONP requests that error. // Otherwise there is no easy way to catch JSONP errors. That means that if a JSONP fails, the // app will take `timeout` milliseconds to react to a JSONP network error. timeout: 5000, // the order that services will be attempted in services: [ 'freegeoip', 'ipinfo', 'maxmind' /* // 'ipinfodb' requires some options, so we define it using an object // this object will be passed to the function that defines the service { name: 'ipinfodb', interpolateUrl: { // obviously, this is a fake key api_key: 'vOgI3748dnIytIrsJcxS7qsDf6kbJkE9lN4yEDrXAqXcKUNvjjZPox3ekXqmMMld' }, }, // as well as defining an object, you can define a function that returns an object function () { return {name: 'ipinfodb'}; }, */ ], serviceDefinitions: { freegeoip: function() { return { // This service responds with JSON, but they do not have CORS set, so we must use JSONP and provide a callback // The `{callback}` is automatically rewritten by the tool url: '//freegeoip.net/json/?callback={callback}', isScript: true, // this is JSONP, therefore we must set it to run as a script callback: function(done, response) { try{ var json = JSON.parse(response); return json.error ? toError(json) : { code: json.country_code }; } catch (err) { return toError({error: 'Invalid response ('+err+')'}); } } } }, ipinfo: function() { return { // This service responds with JSON, so we simply need to parse it and return the country code url: '//ipinfo.io', headers: ['Accept: application/json'], callback: function(done, response) { try{ var json = JSON.parse(response); return json.error ? toError(json) : { code: json.country }; } catch (err) { return toError({error: 'Invalid response ('+err+')'}); } } } }, // This service requires an option to define `key`. Options are proived using objects or functions ipinfodb: function(options) { return { // This service responds with JSON, so we simply need to parse it and return the country code url: '//api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-country/?key={api_key}&format=json&callback={callback}', isScript: true, // this is JSONP, therefore we must set it to run as a script callback: function(done, response) { try{ var json = JSON.parse(response); return json.statusCode == 'ERROR' ? toError({error: json.statusMessage}) : { code: json.countryCode }; } catch (err) { return toError({error: 'Invalid response ('+err+')'}); } } } }, maxmind: function() { return { // This service responds with a JavaScript file which defines additional functionality. Once loaded, we must // make an additional AJAX call. Therefore we provide a `done` callback that can be called asynchronously url: '//js.maxmind.com/js/apis/geoip2/v2.1/geoip2.js', isScript: true, // this service responds with a JavaScript file, so it must be run as a script callback: function(done) { // if everything went okay then `geoip2` WILL be defined if (!window.geoip2) { done(new Error('Unexpected response format. The downloaded script should have exported `geoip2` to the global scope')); return; } geoip2.country(function(location) { try { done({ code: location.country.iso_code }); } catch (err) { done(toError(err)); } }, function(err) { done(toError(err)); }); // We can't return anything, because we need to wait for the second AJAX call to return. // Then we can 'complete' the service by passing data or an error to the `done` callback. } } }, }, }; function Location(options) { // Set up options util.deepExtend(this.options = {}, defaultOptions); if (util.isPlainObject(options)) { util.deepExtend(this.options, options); } this.currentServiceIndex = -1; // the index (in options) of the service we're currently using } Location.prototype.getNextService = function() { var service; do { service = this.getServiceByIdx(++this.currentServiceIndex); } while (this.currentServiceIndex < this.options.services.length && !service); return service; }; Location.prototype.getServiceByIdx = function(idx) { // This can either be the name of a default locationService, or a function. var serviceOption = this.options.services[idx]; // If it's a string, use one of the location services. if (typeof serviceOption === 'function') { var dynamicOpts = serviceOption(); if (dynamicOpts.name) { util.deepExtend(dynamicOpts, this.options.serviceDefinitions[dynamicOpts.name](dynamicOpts)); } return dynamicOpts; } // If it's a string, use one of the location services. if (typeof serviceOption === 'string') { return this.options.serviceDefinitions[serviceOption](); } // If it's an object, assume {name: 'ipinfo', ...otherOptions} // Allows user to pass in API keys etc. if (util.isPlainObject(serviceOption)) { return this.options.serviceDefinitions[serviceOption.name](serviceOption); } return null; }; // This runs the service located at index `currentServiceIndex`. // If the service fails, `runNextServiceOnError` will continue trying each service until all fail, or one completes successfully Location.prototype.locate = function(complete, error) { var service = this.getNextService(); if (!service) { error(new Error('No services to run')); return; } this.callbackComplete = complete; this.callbackError = error; this.runService(service, this.runNextServiceOnError.bind(this)); }; // Potentially adds a callback to a url for jsonp. Location.prototype.setupUrl = function(service) { var serviceOpts = this.getCurrentServiceOpts(); return service.url.replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, function(_, param) { if (param === 'callback') { var tempName = 'callback' + Date.now(); window[tempName] = function(res) { service.__JSONP_DATA = JSON.stringify(res); } return tempName; } if (param in serviceOpts.interpolateUrl) { return serviceOpts.interpolateUrl[param]; } }); }; // requires a `service` object that defines at least a `url` and `callback` Location.prototype.runService = function(service, complete) { var self = this; // basic check to ensure it resembles a `service` if (!service || !service.url || !service.callback) { return; } // we call either `getScript` or `makeAsyncRequest` depending on the type of resource var requestFunction = service.isScript ? getScript : makeAsyncRequest; var url = this.setupUrl(service); // both functions have similar signatures so we can pass the same arguments to both requestFunction(url, function(xhr) { // if `!xhr`, then `getScript` function was used, so there is no response text var responseText = xhr ? xhr.responseText : ''; // if the resource is a script, then this function is called after the script has been run. // if the script is JSONP, then a time defined function `callback_{Date.now}` has already // been called (as the JSONP callback). This callback sets the __JSONP_DATA property if (service.__JSONP_DATA) { responseText = service.__JSONP_DATA; delete service.__JSONP_DATA; } // call the service callback with the response text (so it can parse the response) self.runServiceCallback.call(self, complete, service, responseText); }, this.options.timeout, service.data, service.headers); // `service.data` and `service.headers` are optional (they only count if `!service.isScript` anyway) }; // The service request has run (and possibly has a `responseText`) [no `responseText` if `isScript`] // We need to run its callback which determines if its successful or not // `complete` is called on success or failure Location.prototype.runServiceCallback = function(complete, service, responseText) { var self = this; // this is the function that is called if the service uses the async callback in its handler method var serviceResultHandler = function (asyncResult) { // if `result` is a valid value, then this function shouldn't really run // even if it is called by `service.callback` if (!result) { self.onServiceResult.call(self, complete, asyncResult) } }; // the function `service.callback` will either extract a country code from `responseText` and return it (in `result`) // or (if it has to make additional requests) it will call a `done` callback with the country code when it is ready var result = service.callback(serviceResultHandler, responseText); if (result) { this.onServiceResult.call(this, complete, result); } }; // This is called with the `result` from `service.callback` regardless of how it provided that result (sync or async). // `result` will be whatever is returned from `service.callback`. A service callback should provide an object with data Location.prototype.onServiceResult = function(complete, result) { // convert result to nodejs style async callback if (result instanceof Error || (result && result.error)) { complete.call(this, result, null); } else { complete.call(this, null, result); } }; // if `err` is set, the next service handler is called // if `err` is null, the `onComplete` handler is called with `data` Location.prototype.runNextServiceOnError = function(err, data) { if (err) { this.logError(err); var nextService = this.getNextService(); if (nextService) { this.runService(nextService, this.runNextServiceOnError.bind(this)); } else { this.completeService.call(this, this.callbackError, new Error('All services failed')); } } else { this.completeService.call(this, this.callbackComplete, data); } }; Location.prototype.getCurrentServiceOpts = function() { var val = this.options.services[this.currentServiceIndex]; if (typeof val == 'string') { return {name: val}; } if (typeof val == 'function') { return val(); } if (util.isPlainObject(val)) { return val; } return {}; }; // calls the `onComplete` callback after resetting the `currentServiceIndex` Location.prototype.completeService = function(fn, data) { this.currentServiceIndex = -1; fn && fn(data); }; Location.prototype.logError = function (err) { var idx = this.currentServiceIndex; var service = this.getServiceByIdx(idx); console.error('The service[' + idx + '] (' + service.url + ') responded with the following error', err); }; function getScript(url, callback, timeout) { var timeoutIdx, s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/' + (url.type || 'javascript'); s.src = url.src || url; s.async = false; s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function() { // this code handles two scenarios, whether called by onload or onreadystatechange var state = s.readyState; clearTimeout(timeoutIdx); if (!callback.done && (!state || /loaded|complete/.test(state))) { callback.done = true; callback(); s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = null; } }; document.body.appendChild(s); // You can't catch JSONP Errors, because it's handled by the script tag // one way is to use a timeout timeoutIdx = setTimeout(function () { callback.done = true; callback(); s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = null; }, timeout); } function makeAsyncRequest(url, onComplete, timeout, postData, requestHeaders) { var xhr = new(window.XMLHttpRequest || window.ActiveXObject)('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0'); xhr.open(postData ? 'POST' : 'GET', url, 1); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); if (Array.isArray(requestHeaders)) { for (var i = 0, l = requestHeaders.length; i < l; ++i) { var split = requestHeaders[i].split(':', 2) xhr.setRequestHeader(split[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''), split[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')); } } if (typeof onComplete == 'function') { xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState > 3) { onComplete(xhr); } }; } xhr.send(postData); } function toError(obj) { return new Error('Error [' + (obj.code || 'UNKNOWN') + ']: ' + obj.error); } return Location; }()); cc.Law = (function() { var defaultOptions = { // Make this false if you want to disable all regional overrides for settings. // If true, options can differ by country, depending on their cookie law. // It does not affect hiding the popup for countries that do not have cookie law. regionalLaw: true, // countries that enforce some version of a cookie law hasLaw: ['AT', 'BE', 'BG', 'HR', 'CZ', 'CY', 'DK', 'EE', 'FI', 'FR', 'DE', 'EL', 'HU', 'IE', 'IT', 'LV', 'LT', 'LU', 'MT', 'NL', 'PL', 'PT', 'SK', 'SI', 'ES', 'SE', 'GB', 'UK'], // countries that say that all cookie consent choices must be revokable (a user must be able too change their mind) revokable: ['HR', 'CY', 'DK', 'EE', 'FR', 'DE', 'LV', 'LT', 'NL', 'PT', 'ES'], // countries that say that a person can only "consent" if the explicitly click on "I agree". // in these countries, consent cannot be implied via a timeout or by scrolling down the page explicitAction: ['HR', 'IT', 'ES'], }; function Law(options) { this.initialise.apply(this, arguments); } Law.prototype.initialise = function(options) { // set options back to default options util.deepExtend(this.options = {}, defaultOptions); // merge in user options if (util.isPlainObject(options)) { util.deepExtend(this.options, options); } }; Law.prototype.get = function(countryCode) { var opts = this.options; return { hasLaw: opts.hasLaw.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0, revokable: opts.revokable.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0, explicitAction: opts.explicitAction.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0, }; }; Law.prototype.applyLaw = function(options, countryCode) { var country = this.get(countryCode); if (!country.hasLaw) { // The country has no cookie law options.enabled = false; } if (this.options.regionalLaw) { if (country.revokable) { // We must provide an option to revoke consent at a later time options.revokable = true; } if (country.explicitAction) { // The user must explicitly click the consent button options.dismissOnScroll = false; options.dismissOnTimeout = false; } } return options; }; return Law; }()); // This function initialises the app by combining the use of the Popup, Locator and Law modules // You can string together these three modules yourself however you want, by writing a new function. cc.initialise = function(options, complete, error) { var law = new cc.Law(options.law); if (!complete) complete = function() {}; if (!error) error = function() {}; cc.getCountryCode(options, function(result) { // don't need the law or location options anymore delete options.law; delete options.location; if (result.code) { options = law.applyLaw(options, result.code); } complete(new cc.Popup(options)); }, function(err) { // don't need the law or location options anymore delete options.law; delete options.location; error(err, new cc.Popup(options)); }); }; // This function tries to find your current location. It either grabs it from a hardcoded option in // `options.law.countryCode`, or attempts to make a location service request. This function accepts // options (which can configure the `law` and `location` modules) and fires a callback with which // passes an object `{code: countryCode}` as the first argument (which can have undefined properties) cc.getCountryCode = function(options, complete, error) { if (options.law && options.law.countryCode) { complete({ code: options.law.countryCode }); return; } if (options.location) { var locator = new cc.Location(options.location); locator.locate(function(serviceResult) { if (serviceResult && serviceResult.code) { expiry = new Date(); expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime()+(60 * 60 * 1000 * 24 * 350)); // 350 days document.cookie = "ruan_geo=" + serviceResult.code + ";path=/; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString(); } complete(serviceResult || {}); }, error); return; } complete({}); }; // export utils (no point in hiding them, so we may as well expose them) cc.utils = util; // prevent this code from being run twice cc.hasInitialised = true; window.cookieconsent = cc; }(window.cookieconsent || {}));